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K Arbitration & Mediation is located at 3605 Katy Freeway, Suite 214, Houston, TX 77007. There is an interactive map on the home page of this website that will give you turn-by-turn directions to our location.
We are located near the intersection of I-10 and Heights Blvd. in Houston. Our offices are approximately 2 miles from downtown Houston. The closest freeway exit is the Heights Blvd. exit off I-10 (Katy Freeway).
Our office is brown two-story building. The building has a sign Heights Mediation Center. If you get lost, call us at 713-807-1700.
There is an open parking lot in front and on the side to the building. The parking is free. You may park in any space that does not have a Reserved for Tenant sign. There is a reserved handicap space in front of the building and a ramp for easy access to the building. We have accessible facilities and restrooms and an elevator to reach our offices on the second floor.
We are working remotely as much as possible. You may contact our assistant between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at 713-807-1700. You may also email us at
Two major airports, Houston Hobby Airport and Bush Intercontinental Airport, serve Houston. Bush is located north of downtown, and Hobby is located south of downtown. Hobby is a hub for Southwest Airlines, and Bush is a hub for United Airlines. Other airlines also fly into both airports.
We are an equal distance from each airport. Hobby is less crowded, but there may be more direct flights out of Bush Intercontinental.
It is best to allow at least an hour and a half to get from your seat on the plane to our offices and vice versa, especially at rush hour.